Stokke parish register. Christenings 1771-1803.
ID: 1282
Church register no.: Stokke MINI 3
Page: 71a
Year: 1788
Date of birth:
Date of christening: 29.06.1788
Given name: Anners
Sex: m
Illegitimate: u
Domestic christening:
Occupation (father):
Given name (father): Ole
Last name (father): Evensen
Residence (father): B…en?? i Semb Sogn
Occupation (mother):
Given name (mother): Mallene
Last name (mother): Andersdatter
Residence (mother): Bergan i Schee Sogn
Remarks: K: Moderen Mallene Andersdatter besvangret i sin tjeneste paa Synbye er nedkommen paa Bergan i Schee Sogn udlægger som barnefader Ole Evensen B…en i Semb Sogn af Grevens underliggende
Occupation (sponsor v#1):
Given name (sponsor #1): Helvig
Last name (sponsor #1): Pedersdatter
Residence (sponsor #1): Bergan
Occupation (sponsor #2):
Given name (sponsor #2): Live
Last name (sponsor #2): Olsdatter
Residence (sponsor #2): Synbye
Occupation (sponsor #3):
Given name (sponsor #3): Gullik
Last name (sponsor #3): Iversen
Residence (sponsor #3): Langeloe
Occupation (sponsor #4):
Given name (sponsor #4): Ole
Last name (sponsor #4): Andersen
Residence (sponsor #4): Synbye
Occupation (sponsor #5):
Given name (sponsor #5):
Last name (sponsor #5):
Residence (sponsor #5):
Occupation (sponsor #6):
Given name (sponsor #6):
Last name (sponsor #6):
Residence (sponsor #6):
Occupation (sponsor #7):
Given name (sponsor #7):
Last name (sponsor #7):
Residence (sponsor #7):

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