Sandefjord parish register. Christenings 1873-1900.
ID: 336
Church register no.: Sandefjord MINI 1
Page: 35
No.: 64
Year: 1876
Church: Sandefjord
Date of birth: 07.09.1876
Date of christening: 22.10.1876
Date of home christening:
Name: Georg Marinius
Sex: M
Illegitimate: U
Home christening:
Marital status (father): Uk
Occupation (father): Smed
Given name (father): Abra. Jean Bolly
Last name (father): Winter
Residence (father): Arendal
Illegitimate child no. (father):
Date of birth (father):
Age (father):
Place of birth (father):
Marital status (mother): Gift kvinde
Occupation (mother):
Given name (mother): Elisabet
Last name (mother): Gulliksdtr
Residence (mother): Sfj
Illegitimate child no. (mother):
Date of birth (mother):
Age (mother):
Wedding date:
Remarks: Kvindens mann peder kristian bernhard olsen forlot henne for 8 år siden og har intet hørt fra ham

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