Vestfold Roots

Vestfold Roots

The purpose of this page is to publish transcriptions of genealogical sources from Vestfold and collect links to other pages containing genealogical data from Vestfold.

It is strongly recommended that information from transcriptions are checked against the originals.

Parish registers Andebu
Ramnes (Feb 22, 2024)
Sandar (Sandeherred) (Jan 14, 2024)
Sem (Oct 12, 2023)
Tønsberg (Oct 14, 2023)

Censuses 1663-66 census
1701 census
1707 census, Tønsberg and Holmestrand
1710 census, Tønsberg and Holmestrand
1814 census, Tjølling
1825 census, Sandefjord
1891 census, Sandar

Probate registers Jarlsberg County
Larvik County

Tax rolls and
land registers
County accounts 1514-1660
Fortification tax, 1691, Tønsberg with Holmestrand (Nov 6, 2023)
Extra tax 1762-1772
Silver tax 1816

Military records Levy rolls 1686-1692, Tønsberg and Holmestrand districts (Mar 3, 2024)
Oldest rolls, 1704-11, Bragernes district
Levy roll 1706, Bragernes district
Census over the young men to the military examination in January 1709, Larvik County (Feb 24, 2024)
Levy roll ca. 1717
Oldest rolls, 1723-26, Bragernes district
- Main roll
- Youth roll
- Reserve roll
Levy roll 1726, 2. (Western) Smaalenske nat. inf. regt.
- Western jarlsbergske company
- Eastern jarlsbergske company
- Southern jarlsbergske company

Bygdebooks Vestfold bygdebooks
Torbjørn Steen-Karlsen:
- Nøtterøygårder Lorens Berg:
- Andebu
- Nøtterøy
- Sandeherred
- Stokke
- Tjøme

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